Anonymous Coward · 3mo

hello!! I hope I don't come across as insensitive but I was really impressed by how much your art improved from the oneshot you recently mentioned, when compared to the first chapter of your current serialization!! my question is whether you carve out time in your schedule to work on art fundamentals or is it more like you just keep drawing and it improves through the sheer amount of time it takes to create manuscripts?

Thank you!! That’s a huge compliment, since I’ve always considered my art the weakest part of my work lol. Admittedly the first two-ish chapters of Bakuten were actually drawn much earlier than the rest of the chapters, back when I was preparing it for another publication, so I think the art is that much more outdated. That said, I don’t really have a lot of time to practice separately from my actual work so I usually just do a lot of observation as I work and try to apply as much new knowledge as I can do my stuff as I go. My editor’s feedback has helped a lot, too! Whenever I can get my next oneshot approved I plan to go all out with the art, so hopefully the finished product will reflect everything I’ve learned in the past 1+ years…!

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