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Anonymous Coward · 3mo

What do we do if we never reach an agreement on what to create with our partner?

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

i just noticed the new, stricter rules for nsfw art. last year we could post whatever, now it needs to be a sfw crop with link to an external site (aka we have to make a new social media to even participate). could you be more clear on what counts as nsfw art? is anything suggestive- such as lingerie now not allowed on twitter?

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

Hi! I read at the event schedule that the pinch hitter form opened on Feb 13th, but I can’t find the form. Where can I find it? Thank you!

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

Hi, if for any reason any my partner or I have to drop, what will become of the art/fic?

We will repair you or your partner with a pinch hitter! Y'all will work together to either create a new idea or, if too far in the process, build off the original idea that was drawn/written (not in a "steal the writer that dropped's outline" way but in a "let's adapt this so that the writer/artist doesn't have to start from square 1" way.)

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

For top/bottom preferences, can we put vers but also mark if we lean more towards one dynamic?

Yes! We will try to accommodate but keep in mind that there are many sections on the form for the mods to consider while pairing and the more specific you can be, the more likely you will be paired with someone who shares your taste. (Ex. If you explicitly put "bottom atsumu/top kiyoomi" only, we will try harder to match you with someone who shares this v.s. putting a broader preference)

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Will the "do not want to work with" extend to teams as well?

We will not teams together that overlap participants' "do not want to work with" selections.

If you are referring to moderator team, you are welcome to list moderators as people you do not want to work with.

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

This is very hypothetical, but if we were to get paired up with someone who we have blocked on Twitter or someone who we have been blocked by, and their name wasn’t put under ‘people we don’t want to work with’ for whatever reason, what would happen?

We will repair you in this circumstance, no worries! However, after some discussion within mod chat, there will be circumstances where we will not repair participants. More information on this will be announced when sign ups are released!

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

When you say you have a week to edit the spreadsheet, does that mean it will be public who you have requested not to be paired with?

No, as stated on the sample pairing form, your "do not want to work with" list will be kept private. The spreadsheet will display the usernames of everyone who has signed up in an easily accessible place.

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

There’s a question in the sample sign-up form that implies level of commitment equals how frequently you want to communicate with your partner. I don’t want to disappoint anyone by saying “very committed” and then not being available for daily chatting, but I am committed to finishing and putting plenty of time and effort into the work itself. I also really want to be paired with someone who’s similarly committed to finishing. Could this wording perhaps be clarified in the final form?

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

This is a stupid question but can we request not to work with someone simply based on writing/art style or in that looked down on?

There will be a "Are there any participants you don't want to work with?" section on the final form. You do not have to justify why you don't want to work with them, just list their discord username(s).

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

In the sample form there are only AUs. Does this mean canonverse fics aren’t allowed?

Canonverse is welcome! The AU options, like tropes, are just to get a sense of your taste so that the mods can pair you with someone who shares, at least in part, your taste. You guys can create whatever story you want—and the story doesn't have to include any of the tropes or AU selections that matched you together. It is just a jumping off point so that you know you have at least something in common.

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

hello mods, about the new format I checked the sheet and noticed some things about the tropes. there's no options of tropes we don't want to work, this is gonna make the job a lot easier and reinforce our taste as creators. (also i think it's lacking /enemies to lovers/ trop, prob the most common). thanks!

The sign up form is just to get a sense of your taste so that mods can pair you with someone who shares, at least in part, your taste. By selecting the tropes you are interested in, not selecting the ones you are not interested in, and comparing your sign up form to your partner's selections, y'all can decide on what type of story to plan together. (Enemies to lovers was suggested by many people back when we first released the interest check in autumn and will be added to the final sign up form before release!)

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Are the prompts on the sample form for others or to match with people who have similar ideas? Should the prompts be ideas I have for future fics I want to write or will they be given to other writers?

The prompts on the sample form are to match people with similar ideas! We will not be sharing your prompts with anyone (except your partner, though we still need to figure out the exact logistics of that). You should definitely write down the ideas you have for future fics so that we can pair you with someone with similar taste/interest!

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Will every writer/artist be paired up? Even if there are more artists than writers?

We try our best to ensure that everyone is paired, but it is dependent on sign-up numbers. Historically, it is extremely rare (less than 1%) to not end up with a partner. As for artist/writer number discrepancies, there is a question on our sign up form asking if people want to work with more than one project, and many people select "Yes". Double pairing is common and standard!

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