Anon · 2mo

is there a reason you prefer samariou over other mtc ships like samajyu, jyuriou, MTC poly, etc.?

I have a couple lol

1: Samatoki has a lot of ships in which his typical interaction cycle involves him either being sarcastic or snappy at people. While I don't necessarily mind that, it does get repetitive and/or gets OOC real fast at times. With Samariou though, Samatoki is honestly at his most mellow. It's such a deep contrast to something like Samajyu, where they're very snappy. And while I do understand that people bond with others by being rude and sarcastic, I would rather see his more mellow side come out. I am a bit of a sucker for the whole "Becomes less crass around S/O" trope lol. Not saying he like turns into goo in Riou's hands lol like no matter how mellow Samatoki gets, he is always gonna be like that. I'm just saying it's a pleasant contrast to his outward personality with MTC (particularly with Jyuto since that's the most visible pairing to others.
I don't particularly like a lot of Samajyu fan content because it gets super OOC n like...very mean-spirited. Some interpretations work really well and i enjoy it a lot, it's just hard to find and I'm not particularly interested in seeking it out.

2: RiJyu is really good i like it i don't mind RiJyu. I'm just more interested in Samariou. I draw RiJyu sometimes i just dont post it sorry 💔

3: MTCpoly is something that I don't really like. I don't like a lot of poly ships in general I'm sorry. I'm not against them, lord knows I had many poly ships back in da day. However, whenever you look up poly content, especially in Japanese, it's very obvious it's about one character having attention by the other two (HamaRi, HamaSa(ma), HamaJyu)
It's either that or's obvi it's a couple +1 which makes me sad. like fiction, i don't enjoy seeing a poly ship where it's just like...the main two are the only romantic dynamic in the group and then there's the third who shows up for whatever. Like it doesn't make me feel good...
With MTCpoly in particular, I do have another reason why I don't think all of them together as a romantic couple would work IN MY VISION. i think each of their individual relationships can work as romantic, but I don't think it can work with all of them together. Platonically though? Fuck yeah! if you like MT3, power to ya, it's just not my thing lol

sorry if there's any typos ;;

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