Anon · 2mo

i loveee ur explanation on why you prefer samariou! may i ask? are there any samariou fics out there that youd like to recommend, i really wanna read something 😥 any genre is fine...!

OOOOo um i have a couple that i like a lot! this one is really fluffy n cute i love it bunches wahhhhhhh this one is also really nice. op is really good with their characters. they also did this au for them if you look into their acc but it is nsfw so I'm not gonna link that directly so um.......PROCEED WITH CAUTION!!!!!!!! here's this one that oomf wrote for me !! (thanks klav!!) read this one and the other fics in this its really nice

Generally, there isn't a lot of samariou fics. if you take out all the poly ships, there's only like...fifty? and if you cut it down for english only it only gets cut down more. its harder to find these gems so i cherish the ones i come across a lot wahhhhhh

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