anonymous if that even is your name · 13d

How would you rank your favorite and least favorite ships with Sanji & why? (The Strawhats (LuSan, ZoSan, SaNami, SanUso, etc.,) AceSan, LawSan, SanPu GinSan etc)

I feel like my opinion/ranking is obvious but rambles ahead
Straw hats - Robiji/Sanbin + Lusan, I dislike the rest I just dont really think any of them have romantic chemistry with Sanji 😭 I think SaNami is my least favourite out of the bunch (I hate people who only like it if it’s ‘yuri’ even more yall are so annoying)
GinSan has turned into a guilty pleasure of mine lol it’s quickly climbed up as a fav cos the fan content is super good and also the fans aren’t annoying (acesan wishes)
Anyway yeah I hate AceSan, the only reason people ship this is because of that one toei filler 😭 same with Pedrosan but I don’t mind that as much bc the fans are chill. Lawsan is the same as GinSan I like it lol it even more appeals to me cos law is a fan of Sora/Germa and you can do a lotttttt with that wink wink nudge nudge
SanPu is just again really boring idgaf about the problematic aspect I just don’t see anything romantic happening with Sanji and Pudding, I also think Pudding is kinda 🤷‍♀️ as a character and she doesn’t really hit for me.
Same with SanVio IDK it just doesn’t appeal to me like at all 😭 it doesn’t help that these girls aren’t really all that developed and don’t have an interesting base personality so I’m just kinda like ‘okay well whatever 😭’
Sorry I’m veryyyyy picky with Sanji ships and only really ship him with other people if I a) think the chemistry is there b) fits into tropes I like and c) I like both characters on the same kind of level

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