ernest wernest

• if a hundred jumbled rats came together to form a person it would be me
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anonymous if that even is your name · 1h

you follow a lot of users who ship incest or pedo shit lol disgusting

Three times did the cheese move sideways to Switzerland by radio but she never licked that parking permit

anonymous if that even is your name · 2d
anonymous if that even is your name · 2d

lmao, for so many ppl Yonji is the least favourite Vinsmoke 😭. I think I even saw some Zoro pfp (which may mean nothing but I find it funny) putting him tier lower than Reiju and 12-ji on powerscaling tier. And honestly I love that lol

anonymous if that even is your name · 3d

Which vinsmoke has your fav dynamic with Sanji

They’re all interesting (expect Yonji sorry) especially when you reread WCI and find all the little hints Oda leaves and then never fucking does anything with

anonymous if that even is your name · 3d

If that list of ships is old, I want to know what it is like now
Honestly, it would be crazy if Lawzo beat Zosan in Japan... ...oh god I sound like a Zolu lmao

Lmao I’ll be honest (this isn’t me gassing zosan far from it) but from the amount of work zosan has I don’t think anyone expect maybe lawlu is usurping it in that time frame sorry if I sound too neg <]>}{ I just can’t find myself to care abt any OP character or dynamic that isn’t the vinsmokes 😭 I’m just happy Lusan is on there entirely

anonymous if that even is your name · 4d

oof that ship list/chart thingy is actually rly fuckin old ernie. dare i say pre-2020 pxv bc a lot of banger lusan fanworks on pxv are from 2020 onwards - there are some from before 2020 courtesy of the most dedicated creators who shipped lusan even before WCI lol either way i salute my predecessors🫡 anw i think lusan's numbers (just lusan not counting sanlu) are 1500+ now but i could be wrong

Oh damn is it 😭 maybe LawZoro has grown in popularity (I still don’t believe it’s beating ZoSan/Sanzo) then, and thank you creators for shipping Lusan before WCI truly gods strongest soldiers I do wonder what the list looks like now (doubt top 3 changes) it’s always interesting to see dynamics people are into and asking why

anonymous if that even is your name · 3d
anonymous if that even is your name · 4d

What about Lawzo? Someone said it was actually the most popular Zoro ship in Japan, I'm curious if that's true

Well whoever that was is probably wrong because zosan literally exists 😭 oomf literally posted an op ship chart from JP and Zosan and SanZo both beat Lawzo 😭 anyway if the equation doesn’t have Sanji I literally dngaf and don’t bring the vinsmokes in here cause I sort of don’t ship them with anyone 😭

anonymous if that even is your name · 4d

i want you

NGH I’m taking off my clothes waiting for you rn don’t keep me waiting 🥺🥺🥺

anonymous if that even is your name · 5d
anonymous if that even is your name · 5d

lawsanlu the REAL freakazoid trio soooo true their ideal date night would be law pulling various organs out of sanji (to be admired in a highkey curious low-key horny way) while luffy watches on, drooling bc according to him sanji's organs look good enough to eat🤤 law & luffy the kind to talk abt eating sanji (sexually? for sustenance? they don't make it clear) and zoro had to evacuate the premises bc even HE was freaked tf out

Okay forgive for any errors cause I’m picking my sister up rn anyway the mental imagery of Zoro being freaked out by LuLawSan is really fucking funny to me they’re having crazy sex games on levels that cannot be comprehended by the meager mind it gets even better once you bring Nika into it all too, especially because Luffy has (almost) freed them both from their abusive families, Sanji’s self sacrificial tendencies that with Law’s almost omnipresent control over the human body plus Luffy essentially being a vessel for a old god it’s so mwah this baby can fit so much unhealthy mechanisms in it

anonymous if that even is your name · 5d

youre going at war with these sanji fans omg sending prayers

anonymous if that even is your name · 9d

BIG on Robin being the one that shouldve been in wci... I think the arc couldve been soooo amazing if it had robin/e.g. usopp in place of brook/chopper since like you said it wouldve been nice callbacks to W7 and the two have a much more impactful relationship with Sanji. Like ouuuu i feel like there couldve been sooo much to work so much potential... I love wci as is but its a shame

Yeah it really should have been the original gang as a callback to W7 but then again I understand that if he got rid of Brook in that arc, he’d literally have no character >]$?}*~!}€~ I do love WCI (as seen by my acc) but there’s also a lot of faults with it esp during the end (which is like given for Oda I won’t lie)

anonymous if that even is your name · 9d

I saw it late but omg I love SanBin so much too, they're so cute... I love the parallels between their characters/backstories. The way Sanji was the first man to treat Robin gently with genuine kindness since Saul and how she often plays along with his flirting 😭😭😭😭 they're soooo adorable esp in Water 7 and how much he tried retrieving her. I really wish there were more canon moments between the two or that they were more popular, they have tons of potential imo (especially 🔞 wise)

anonymous if that even is your name · 11d

How would you rank your favorite and least favorite ships with Sanji & why? (The Strawhats (LuSan, ZoSan, SaNami, SanUso, etc.,) AceSan, LawSan, SanPu GinSan etc)

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