anonymous if that even is your name · 11d

I saw it late but omg I love SanBin so much too, they're so cute... I love the parallels between their characters/backstories. The way Sanji was the first man to treat Robin gently with genuine kindness since Saul and how she often plays along with his flirting 😭😭😭😭 they're soooo adorable esp in Water 7 and how much he tried retrieving her. I really wish there were more canon moments between the two or that they were more popular, they have tons of potential imo (especially 🔞 wise)

Nothings ever too late with me dw but yasss skypeia really was the catalyst that made me ship them 😭 him calling her ‘Robin baby’ and then leading her away for a drink with his hand on her back so cute ❤️❤️ and robin’s one of the first women to never outwardly reject Sanji (again she does indulge/play along with his flirting multiple times) it’s one of the reasons why I can’t get behind SaNami bc Nami just rejects him constantly. It really did feel like they had sooooo many moments in pre TS but only a few in post (glad to know that Oda still made Robin Sanji’s number one hype woman) they’re both characters who can appreciate the quiet and will sacrifice themselves for others genuinely am soooo disappointed that Robin didn’t go to WCI it’s one of my biggest gripes that I have with Oda (it’s brook’s fault like swap Brook with Robin and the story would not change) it would have been a nice callback to their moments in W7 and also could have led on nicely with Wano too!! But whatever I’m not Oda 😒 I am surprised Robin isn’t a popular ship with Sanji (though Frobins are insane) and yes the sex…. nods they can engage in the kinkiest of sex with Robin’s devil fruit and even Sanji’s knowledge of cooking (since he knows specific weak points of the body) can come in handy one of my hc’s of Sanji sex in general (this can be either luffy or Robin) is him telling them weak pointd of the body and them using it against him ❤️

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