anonymous if that even is your name · 11d

BIG on Robin being the one that shouldve been in wci... I think the arc couldve been soooo amazing if it had robin/e.g. usopp in place of brook/chopper since like you said it wouldve been nice callbacks to W7 and the two have a much more impactful relationship with Sanji. Like ouuuu i feel like there couldve been sooo much to work so much potential... I love wci as is but its a shame

Yeah it really should have been the original gang as a callback to W7 but then again I understand that if he got rid of Brook in that arc, he’d literally have no character >]$?}*~!}€~ I do love WCI (as seen by my acc) but there’s also a lot of faults with it esp during the end (which is like given for Oda I won’t lie)

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