anonymous if that even is your name · 7d

lawsanlu the REAL freakazoid trio soooo true their ideal date night would be law pulling various organs out of sanji (to be admired in a highkey curious low-key horny way) while luffy watches on, drooling bc according to him sanji's organs look good enough to eat🤤 law & luffy the kind to talk abt eating sanji (sexually? for sustenance? they don't make it clear) and zoro had to evacuate the premises bc even HE was freaked tf out

Okay forgive for any errors cause I’m picking my sister up rn anyway the mental imagery of Zoro being freaked out by LuLawSan is really fucking funny to me they’re having crazy sex games on levels that cannot be comprehended by the meager mind it gets even better once you bring Nika into it all too, especially because Luffy has (almost) freed them both from their abusive families, Sanji’s self sacrificial tendencies that with Law’s almost omnipresent control over the human body plus Luffy essentially being a vessel for a old god it’s so mwah this baby can fit so much unhealthy mechanisms in it

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