anonymous if that even is your name · 7d

[ITS OK DONT APOLOGIZE I ALSO COPY-PASTE OUR INTERACTIONS IN A NOTES APP LMAO....neurodivergent type beat i guess😎] ohh babe trust me it’s never “JUST” when it comes to the food/service industry. thank u for powering thru it bc the pay is abysmal (esp to ppl who work storefront) n it makes sense for the workers to feel underappreciated but there’s also the underlying tone of “why the fuck are we charging ppl money for smth that’s supposed to be their RIGHT” and it’s a recipe for lunch-break depression :”))

but alas! i'm glad ur in uni now ernie i hope u also get to have ur dream job sometime in the future❤️

well tbh the food industry in general’s been bad since before the pandemic - for example i’m not that well-versed in sourcing but we all know the fuckassery that is factory farming - but it definitely took a turn for the worse during n after. the eatery/bakery i work at is relatively small so we mostly rely on our regulars n the pandemic took most of the joy away from working bc now the orders coming into the kitchen mostly come from drivers working delivery n much as i respect them...they’re not the ones eating the food :")) i can’t ask for feedback (a cook’s lifeblood imo) AND we lose what scrape of intimacy we have w/ our main customer base. …idk maybe i’m being melodramatic but to me one of the saddest things in life is to be alienated from our food like that’s our sustenance n we don’t know how it’s sourced? how it’s made? by who? that’s so sad i hate capitalism sf muchhhh

anw that’s a bummer lol back to sanji n OP c: PLEASE a chopper-sanji & monster trio cooking ep would be so cute🥺 also!! this is rly fuckin niche but i need a filler ep centered around chopper & sanji interacting in the infirmary. we know sanji’s bloodtype is a universal donor that also happens to be the rarest so i kinda need him offering chopper to stock up on his blood “just in case smth happens to me or the ladies……well the guys too maybe ONLY IF they’re dying,,,,so yeah maybe u should take my blood regularly” while chopper just stands there horrified bc that’s not a fuckin normal thing to offer BUT it kinda makes sense😭

sorry this is getting long lol but i’m one of those faggots who love filler eps coz they’re more low-effort than eps w/ “serious” fighting scenes in them (so the animators could catch a break for once) and they act as a buffer between the manga releases to avoid pacing problems coz the way toei is working now?? they’re practically zoro-glazing central w/ no sense for pacing bc why is half a chapter one episode? that’s fckin insaaane i hope they change their ways✌🏼

ps. sorry my asks are so sporadic ernie pls know i also wish we don’t stop talking n i eagerly, patiently wait for ur responses

love, horror anon<3

Hi horror anon ❤️❤️ don’t ever worry abt not responding in a few days from what you’ve said you’re work load must be pretty full lol 😭 I enjoy our convos so much and am happy you choose to take some time out of your day to talk to me :)) and yeah I’m really glad I’m on the path to doing what I want 😭 I’m a little behind bc I fucked up during some stages but I’m finally there just my gripe rn is that I wish I wasn’t in uni anymore bc it genuinely is a drag and I’m not academically gifted at all 😭 but I have like about a year left before I completely finish which is scary I won’t lie 😭😭 I really feel for you anon I don’t think you’re being melodramatic at all a massive change with what’s happening at your eatery/bakery is bound to make anyone upset so don’t be too hard on yourself ❤️❤️ and yes I’d love more chopper and Sanji centred episodes (I HC that when Sanji grows his hair out Chopper will put clips on it and it’s like super silly and girly ones lol) I think they’re one of Sanji’s more underrated relationships and it makes you wonder how if he had stayed + if the others weren’t modified how he would be with Yonji? I won’t go too in depth lol but Sanji’s relationship with Germa is my most fav thing to explore rn lol there’s so much room to do with narrative wise and AU ANYWAY!! That idea would be so cuteee even with the angst 😭❤️❤️ maybe Sanji would use it as an excuse so that he can spend more time with Chopper lol TBH I am normally a fan of filler it’s cute and can really break away from tension obv a balance is needed but yeah. Confession time but I haven’t watched any OP!Filler (IDK if I will ever 😭) but that’s only bc I wanted to catch up to OP as quickly as possible if I was like 14 or 15 I probably would have 🤔 and yeah Toei’s pacing rn is abhorred like yeah it’s good animation no denying that but they’re wasting it on non canon scenes? it’d be different if this was smth for the fans but the fact they’re sacrificing actual canon material (namely Sanji) doesn’t bode well, some people think it’s just an egghead and dressrosa thing but I genuinely believe this has been horrible since Post TS 🤷‍♀️

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