anonymous if that even is your name · 6d

[hi ernie i think we talked abt this almost a week ago but if it’s alright i’d like to continue talking abt it…? if not it’s ok to ignore this love it’s abt the proship-anti thing lol]

i think we're kind of on the same page on this topic coz i also shake my head when i see grown adults participating in online discourse surrounding proship-anti on TWITTER bc that hellsite isn't built for nuance. exploring taboos in fiction is hardly a black n white, gotcha argument kinda thing so honestly most of the times i can't stand both sides :")) my stance on this is unironically “proship AND antis dni i don’t like both of y’all”😂

yeah i agree i also believe that we can still be friends (or at least civil) w/ ppl who would be considered “proship” bc most of the ppl who like the freaky deeky (as u put it lol) don't tweet abt it on main 24/7 like……most of these ppl - me included LOL - are normal ppl who are just more willing to explore (and to an extent, enjoy) dark, taboo content for whatever reason. that's why i enjoy horror lol i love the genre’s queer undertones, the willingness n audacity to explore taboos, AND the discourse that comes afterwards. personal onion but to me what's important isn’t to limit dark, “proship” content but to make sure there’s room for nuanced discussion afterwards. like u said, we’re drawn to the darker sides of the human psyche n one of the safest avenues to explore that is thru fiction. most “problematic faves” are narrative tools who make it possible for their authors to write smth engaging n thought-provoking. ppl would have so much peace within fandoms if they would just accept that.

on the other end of the spectrum tho……..ppl who make being “proship” their whole identity are at best annoying n at worst a hitler/mussolini fanfic writer so yeah it truly is best to just avoid ppl who are on the extreme ends of the spectrum😅 thankfully most ppl aren't like this lol

lol it’s okay I don’t mind talking about it dw ❤️❤️ and yeah it really is disappointing when I see people my age argue abt it lol it’s like come on we have so much better to discuss and as you said taboo works in fiction can’t be put into a black and white box it is smth that has to be explored in different angles otherwise you’re not getting the full potential of what these works can bring. I think anyone who goes hardcore on the discourse is a loser fair cop if it’s someone saying shit on op’s profile but seeking out discourse is just weirdo behaviour 😭 I also don’t get people who act like proshipping is a very new thing bc it’s really not as a hag on the internet people were shipping incest and lolishota proud and openly like this is just a thing that is part of fandom. I also don’t think it’s bad for people’s to be anti’s if you are genuinely triggered/ not interested in proshipping that’s fine tags are there to block and move on. Idk if I’ve mentioned about reactionary politics before on my acc but it’s one of the major things antis get wrong, you can’t use your disgust as a reason to why proshipping is wrong just because you personally find it wrong. When you do that you’re inviting conservative talking points and also limiting what art itself can do, art has to be free and no boundaries that’s why it can be so powerful (doesn’t mean we can’t be critic far from it) but when you limit art and it’s tool, it immediately opens the gateway for bigotry it’s why censorship was such a big thing for the nazis so they could use it to silence Jewish people and just because you don’t engage with problematic art or even write it doesn’t automatically mean you can’t be an abuser. ‘Well I’m not into cnc so how could I have raped her it was normal sex!’ Do you kinda see what I mean? There’s a lot to be said on the topic and I’m not gonna go into further detail because I’m not the person for that and also this is getting far too off topic >]}!{ anyway 😭 I will say this tho I 100% prefer to be friends with proshippers then I would antis but that’s just me 🤷‍♀️ there’s a lot of flip flop with the ‘anti’ on what can be considered problematic and it’s just really tiring one moment it’ll be smth like teacher x student and then mortal x immortal is also grouped in at the same time and it’s like okay we’ve kinda lost the plot here. I also think a lot of antis kinda need to understand that people have different interpretations of shipping, not everyone who ships two characters together necessarily wants them to be happy, different dynamics exist for a reason and I don’t think anyone is inherently a bad person for exploring an incestious relationship that develops on said relationship even more.

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