anonymous if that even is your name · 6d

oof that ship list/chart thingy is actually rly fuckin old ernie. dare i say pre-2020 pxv bc a lot of banger lusan fanworks on pxv are from 2020 onwards - there are some from before 2020 courtesy of the most dedicated creators who shipped lusan even before WCI lol either way i salute my predecessors🫡 anw i think lusan's numbers (just lusan not counting sanlu) are 1500+ now but i could be wrong

Oh damn is it 😭 maybe LawZoro has grown in popularity (I still don’t believe it’s beating ZoSan/Sanzo) then, and thank you creators for shipping Lusan before WCI truly gods strongest soldiers I do wonder what the list looks like now (doubt top 3 changes) it’s always interesting to see dynamics people are into and asking why

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