anonymous if that even is your name · 4d

lmao, for so many ppl Yonji is the least favourite Vinsmoke 😭. I think I even saw some Zoro pfp (which may mean nothing but I find it funny) putting him tier lower than Reiju and 12-ji on powerscaling tier. And honestly I love that lol

lol vinsmoke power scaling is really hard I won’t lie (I also don’t see the point in it) because there’s no confirmation from Oda and also we haven’t seen them in battle enough to really get a good grasp on how powerful each one is. Like if Yonji isn’t the strongest why the fuck is he built like a brick house 😭 treasure cruise does say that Ichiji is the strongest of the brothers which again mmmm 🤷‍♀️ I like to think Yonji is physical strongest then Ichiji, Niji and Reiju (Niji is the fastest out of his siblings tho, excluding Sanji) I think Ichiji in Judge’s eye is the strongest because of his leadership and strategic abilities along with strength (the vinsmokes are all powerful more so then any human IDK where that puts them on like an average PS tier but ya know)

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