anonymous if that even is your name · 4d

every time that damned list shows up on the tl i think “here we go again😔” bc:
1) it’s old af pls leave it in the retirement home where it belongs (idc if the top 3 changes or not i’m not into any of them) (the luffy-law dynamic is very intriguing tho i must admit), and
2) regardless of op’s intentions ppl’s reactions are sf predictable lmao it’s always “why is zosan so popular” “why are ppl shipping incest” “this ship shud be more popular” like it’s so tedious it pmo coz since when is shipping abt competition?? why do y'all care so much abt winning/losing lmfao this ain't a country fair ppl wrap it up chop chop.

anw this is horror anon lol idk if u noticed ernie but yeah to tie in with my previous ask since we were talking abt shipping: BIG AGREE on ur point abt how antis shud realize that policing ppl bc they personally find things abnormal/disgusting might lead to more sinister things e.g. normalizing censorship n bullying within fandom spaces. i can't say all forms of censorship are bad (most are tho, what happened in nazi germany being the main example so thank u for pointing that out) but within fandom spaces…? i think a lot of antis fail to consider that fanworks don't have the reach that mainstream media has. fanworks may be gaining traction esp since the pandemic but they’ll always be niche compared to the amount of audience that, say, a movie release or a series drop gets. unfortunately, the risk of a minor getting exposed to dark, problematic content isn't limited to them finding it within the fandom they're in - a lot of times they’re exposed to it thru other forms of media. and yeah, as u said, maybe we shud try redirecting the energy wasted from policing ppl on fuckin twitter to actually getting our sources bc i think there's a lot of interesting questions to be asked like: why does lolishota continue to thrive in jpn despite the laws banning child porn? what drove the writers n directors of the new french extremity wave to depict that kind of violence on screen? like…there are so many things to be discussed (things linked directly to real life) but they seldom get talked abt bc ppl are busy arguing over whether or not it’s ok if the lines on paper are kissing😭 so yeah i'm also more comfortable talking to ppl who consider themselves “proshipper” - fortunately we have to use this category bc i don't think there's a better alternative - bc they're usually pretty clear abt their boundaries so i don't have to play a guessing game on what triggers them or not AND they’re not quick to peddle judgment to strangers on the internet.

anw i hope this isn't too out of left field but…i rly, truly enjoy talking to u so how would u feel abt me dm-ing u? if ur not comfortable w/ that i'm happy to continue talking thru retrospring hehe ngl it’s actually rly charming coz it feels like old-timey correspondence😂

lol I can see why people use that list (I’m a petty bastard at heart and I WILL obnoxiously shove down my favs achievements down others throats lol) but it’s also understandable that posting anything in fandom these days does bring about discourse of any kind also I don’t think it’s fair for other ships to get slandered just bc they’re above someone’s fav 😭 at the end of the day fandom is supposed to be fun and a lot of people have forgotten that at times (myself included) it’s like that one TikTok said ‘this ain’t the debate team’
And the censorship one again is something that has to be discussed with nuance and I genuinely believe there is no right or wrong answer about how we go about it I’m of the opinion that art (in the hands of the government especially) should not at all be censored whilst this doesn’t mean bigotry should exist in art I think it’s still important that we examine that stuff within a lens. Why is this problematic? Is this of the authors actual beliefs? If so how can we learn in order not to repeat? It’s why Looney tunes gets praised for still showcasing old cartoons WITH the warning about why it’s bad however still understanding that it has its artist metric. But it is understandable as to why people want to censor some art and I do think people can use it as a tool for hatred and spreading bigotry however I still do think that we need to be careful in how we approach it. Fandom has changed a lot in how we perceive fanworks and just creators in general I’d argue I cant exactly argue how but there has definitely been a change lol I’m older but I’m not that old so I hope someone who is like 30+ could answer it better. And children can stumble among dark content anywhere they go, there’s no stopping a parent from showing their kid Halloween or Paranormal activity (it’s how mine did lol) and whilst the internet definitely CAN make that a lot easier a lot of the time it’s the minors being personally showed something that makes it grooming rather then the art itself. We then have to ask the question about Art itself being in the wrong hands, we’ve literally seen it in this month with ‘the morning visitor’ and how people are making jokes about the artistic rendition of rape. Anybody can twist art into its meaning and then manipulate others to believe that meaning which I think people can very easily miss. Hopefully the convo does get turned around in the next few years but you never know with how people work 😭 and yeah I don’t think there is a better category but like it sucks bc a lot of the time they just get into pointless discourse I’ve seen a few of my friends just call themselves ‘dead dove lover/connoisseurs’ which I do think is a better alternative 😭 lol and no I don’t mind talking thru dm’s! I’ve really enjoyed the convos we’ve been having and it’s nice to have these topics discussed in a more calmer way even if we may disagree in some points so it’s totally fine to DM lol if you tell me your @ I can follow you back if you’re comfy with that ❤️

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