
talk to me about Sukuna...

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Fellow Traveler · 2d

we definitely need sukuna reading thirst tweets or have him an megumi do a gq interview like those celeb couples do all the time that'd be so fun actually.

my friend I need to know you single handedly have created a canonical event 😂 this is tooooo good omg I’m going to poll y’all on questions to ask him for me to use to make it even more authentic 💅🏼 AND OMG THEM INTERVIEWING EACH OTHER IS SOOOOOO CUTE 😭💖 they’ll definitely be in the news/trending at some point… 🫦

Fellow Traveler · 3d

grey i cant sleep i miss rtr sukuna. Also i want rtr gojo to bend me the fuck over hes so hot and stupid THE PHONE CALL WITH MEI KILLEDDD MEEE 😭😭but anwyasy i need his cokc in mh mouth Now

omg friend that's so sweet but also nooooo I hope you can sleep! he'll just be away for a little while ❤️ and I'm so glad you enjoy gojo lmaooooo he's such a riot to write and SAME HIM BEING EVEN MORE STUPID WITH SUKUNA GIVES ME SO MUCH LIFE SAJHFKLHSAG THANK YOU FOR LOVING HIM 🤩

Fellow Traveler · 3d

I love how HU sukuna dislikes loud noise but with megs I never once saw him lose patience 🥹 his lil ball of sunshine. EEE I CANT WAIT FOR THE WEEKEND

he's sweet on megumi in the best way he can be because yes, that is his lil ball of sunshine. his angel baby 🥹 and omg I can't wait either... so stoked to see what y'all think!

Fellow Traveler · 3d


omg are you the same person who suggested this to me once before? either way, friend, no one will ever have the vision as you see it, so I'd say... you should write it! let that metaphorical pen FLY! 🤩💖

Fellow Traveler · 4d

just started Heaven Underground and toji being veryyy touchy with Megumi…. calling him baby….. deliciousssss

OMG I hope you enjoy! 🖤 and that damn old man.... you'll be seeing more of him!

Fellow Traveler · 4d

what's this new sukufushi fic about friend? 👀

🫦 the finite details are still in the works but I'd like to write my take on a space opera.... taking influence from star trek, dune, star gate etc and me being a classically trained astronomer, it's also an excuse for me to nerd out over astrophysics 🫦

Fellow Traveler · 4d

Fuckkk I just love how self indulgent your aus are. I just stumbled upon your daddy cool fic (the art that comes along with it is sooo 🥵🥵🥵). Daddy kink is a huge fave of mine so it gets me hot and bothered lol. can’t wait for megumi to take that cock some day!!!!! his fits and lashes and pouty lips and pretty pink pussy omg he’s such a doll

Hello friend! 💖 While I did draw art for Daddy Cool, I am not the author! That would be my beautiful girlfriend, Eve (@evenbabie) though I'm sure you're aware of this, you likely just clicked the wrong retrospring but no worries, I have passed your message along to her and she is deeply appreciative and delighted you are enjoying the story thus far! 🎆🪩

But woooo let me freak out with you for a second because SAME DC is something else and I'm lovin every second of it 😩 the day Megumi spins on Sukuna's jurassic cock is the day the sun steers from it's lifecycle of a star and refuses to die HKSAJDEFHLKDSAG WE SIMPLY WILL WIN!!!!!!!! 🚿

Fellow Traveler · 5d

Finished re-reading RTR and they talked about going to Miami for Gojo's bday. Is his bday in RTR same as canon (Dec 7)? Cause ughghhh Dec is the perfect time to go to Miami. Beach body babe Megumi! The swim suits! The night club fits! Omg...I can't wait!

omg that just makes me so giddy, thank you for enjoying RTR enough to re-read! 💛 as for the canonical event of Miami.... nefarious acts are indeed otw.... LMFAOOOOOO but they'll actually be going for Spring Break, so sometime in the beginning of March! I figured it will make sense for them to go at the height of the season and realistically, when they have time TO go; being student athletes and all! But yes, RTR Gojo's birthday is canonically in December but he'll be waiting to celebrate fully during Spring Break 🦞🍹🌴🌊

Fellow Traveler · 5d

I don’t if I’m more attracted to rtr sukuna or megumi they’re both so hot 🥵

OOOO 🫦 THANK YOU SO MUCH! that makes me feel accomplished... especially with Megumi since majority of the story will be in Sukuna's POV 😩 I hope you find them just as sexy if not SEXIER as the story progresses! ❤️‍🔥

Fellow Traveler · 6d

rtr megumi wearing a waist chain with low rise flared jeans 🫦🫦

Fellow Traveler · 6d

get you being in the rtr playlist oh my god eyes roll back knuckle bite legs wide open

Fellow Traveler · 6d

Hey grey just a quick question I'm writing a fic and I'm pretty pleased with the first half of it but the second half is smut and I have no idea how to make that transition so it doesn't feel out of place and rushed. It's like the characters kiss and then one of them asks if they want to get out of there and then I just drop them in the room but it's like...??? Do you have any tips for a smoother transition into intimate scenes?

Fellow Traveler · 6d

~le sigh~ it's missing HU skfs hours...lemme re-read it again for the umpteenth time 🤭

❤️ omg thank you for loving it enough for a re-read... multiple times! CHP6 is otw and ANOTHER 30k-er so I hope you will feel well fed 🍝😋

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