Fellow Traveler · 15d

Hey grey just a quick question I'm writing a fic and I'm pretty pleased with the first half of it but the second half is smut and I have no idea how to make that transition so it doesn't feel out of place and rushed. It's like the characters kiss and then one of them asks if they want to get out of there and then I just drop them in the room but it's like...??? Do you have any tips for a smoother transition into intimate scenes?

Hey friend! ❤️ eee that's amazing, I hope you're having a lot of fun writing! 🕺 but hmmm tips... I'd say I have been letting dialogue dictate the transition into intimate scenes, whether it's kissing or full on sex. Which sounds really... basic as far as advice goes but I think it really helps set the tone. I mean, if the desire is mutual between the characters then truly all it takes is the right words from both or either of them to get the party started 🫦 but I suppose if you're asking in the sense of how do they physically get to the room, you could always go the "house tour" route, "I want to show you something" route, maybe one of the characters is upset and walks into the room and the other character follows route... there are so many possibilities! Maybe you've figured something out by now but either way, good luck! you got this! 🤗

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