Fellow Traveler · 14d

Finished re-reading RTR and they talked about going to Miami for Gojo's bday. Is his bday in RTR same as canon (Dec 7)? Cause ughghhh Dec is the perfect time to go to Miami. Beach body babe Megumi! The swim suits! The night club fits! Omg...I can't wait!

omg that just makes me so giddy, thank you for enjoying RTR enough to re-read! 💛 as for the canonical event of Miami.... nefarious acts are indeed otw.... LMFAOOOOOO but they'll actually be going for Spring Break, so sometime in the beginning of March! I figured it will make sense for them to go at the height of the season and realistically, when they have time TO go; being student athletes and all! But yes, RTR Gojo's birthday is canonically in December but he'll be waiting to celebrate fully during Spring Break 🦞🍹🌴🌊

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