Fellow Traveler · 14d

Fuckkk I just love how self indulgent your aus are. I just stumbled upon your daddy cool fic (the art that comes along with it is sooo 🥵🥵🥵). Daddy kink is a huge fave of mine so it gets me hot and bothered lol. can’t wait for megumi to take that cock some day!!!!! his fits and lashes and pouty lips and pretty pink pussy omg he’s such a doll

Hello friend! 💖 While I did draw art for Daddy Cool, I am not the author! That would be my beautiful girlfriend, Eve (@evenbabie) though I'm sure you're aware of this, you likely just clicked the wrong retrospring but no worries, I have passed your message along to her and she is deeply appreciative and delighted you are enjoying the story thus far! 🎆🪩

But woooo let me freak out with you for a second because SAME DC is something else and I'm lovin every second of it 😩 the day Megumi spins on Sukuna's jurassic cock is the day the sun steers from it's lifecycle of a star and refuses to die HKSAJDEFHLKDSAG WE SIMPLY WILL WIN!!!!!!!! 🚿

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