Katie · 1y

Hi, love! It looks like I never really got the chance to tell you how much I admire seeing you on my timeline. Have you received the compliment of being too cute to be true? Naturally, the way you present yourself especially when you talk about your opinions—I find myself paying close attention. With everything that has happened, I hope it doesn’t make you feel any more hesitant with the way kindness follows your every move especially when interacting with your mutuals. If it helps, I want you to see yourself the way I perceive you as, the sweetest girl who never runs out of love. Although I strongly believe that you’re the type who spreads pure joy everywhere you go, I hope you take some time to look after yourself too. Thank you for being yoursef, thank you for everything that you do making others feel at ease. Do take good care of yourself so we can spend more time together and make plenty of sweet memories!

Katty, my beautiful beautiful Katty 🥺 this had me teared up and i felt guilty for only be able to read it now, but my gratitude and adoration for you can only grow deeper. Thankyou for seeing me that way, my pretty swan. I know it’s because you have a heart as huge as the mountains, as deep as the oceans, and as beautiful as the sky, you’re able to see and appreacite love and beauty everywhere you go. Because your glass is full enough, and you’re always so full of love. May Katty always receive the same love as what Katty has always brought to others 💗

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