shy · 3mo

hi! first off, want to say that while i'm more of a quiet follower, i love your art. your expressions, compositions, are all chef's kiss. i was looking through your media and saw your eiscr art from a while ago, and got curious if you have any thoughts about ei in general?

hello! hello! thank you for writing in! mmm ei. i desperately want scara and ei to meet and for the scene to be very difficult and tumultuous for the both of them. resolution is not something that is in their stars, but i think in showing that struggle, there is peace to be found. i would also love scara to show his vitriol, his resentment, and also his profound melancholy of being abandoned. its something he's only recently started to bridge after multiple lifetimes of distrust, and i would enjoy to see him struggling with accepting that with his mother. i dont see a peaceful resolution haha! but it's a story that is unique to them and i would love love love to experience it!

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