shy · 3mo

Your art is AMAZING- I'm a quiet follower and anytime I see it pass on my feed I start shaking and drooling AUGHHHH-The way you draw everyone is SO PERFECT- Your taru and itto and lil haitham- HNNNNGHNNNN I've spent an unhealthy amout of time on your twitter media tab imma be honest
Do you do requests/comms? (I kinda NEED to see a little shota Benny in ur style)

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BROWSING MY WORK!!!! i am working up my courage and will to do comms again, i swear, i do plan on opening them this year, i just!!! need a little bit more time to settle in to my new place. coughs there are a lot of expenses that need to be paid, so hopefully,,,this is s-s-soon.

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