𐙚 Carissa

Issa: a beach, beautiful to look but kinda noisy with her wave and fragile like a shell that comes ashore

Zürich, Switzerland
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tell me your curious, please with manners <𝟑
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curious bubbles · 8mo

sekarang lagi sibuk apaaa??

curious bubbles · 8mo

Lagi deket sama orang (in a romantic way) ga?

curious bubbles · 8mo

hidup kamu bahagia terus ya?

curious bubbles · 9mo

Kamu mau ga punya hubungan sama yang beda agama?

curious bubbles · 9mo

Clarissaa, i hope you always enjoy your life with happiness and love -M.

curious bubbles · 9mo

Kak Caca aku suka sama salah satu mutual kamu

curious bubbles · 9mo

Pagi Kak Issa. Maaf kak, aku semalem stalking akun kakak dan kakak kerja di perusahaan kosmetik ya? kalau boleh tau kerjanya dibagian apa dan gimana cara bisa kerja di industri kosmetik? aku tertarik kerja di industri kosmetik. Maaf aku tanya lewat anon karena akun aku PA. Have a nice day ya kak 🤍

selamat siang, sender. ahh.. iya aku kerja di beuaty industry. intinya kerjaan aku uji sebelum klaim produk, misal mau klaim moisturizer 12h nah aku biasanya yang bantu untuk ujinya apakah benar 12h atau engga, dan uji efektivitas pengawetnya, sampai bulan keberapa yang cemaran mikrobanya melebihi batas. aku bisa kerja disini karena ga sengaja apply haha alhamdulillah keterima.. it’s okay sender, kalau mau tau lebih lanjut feel free dm yaa!

curious bubbles · 9mo

Carissa, do you set your eyes on someone?

curious bubbles · 9mo

Good morning, Carissa. I'm not one of your mutuals, tapi saya cuma mau bilang kalau you’re pretty and unique. No one has your personality like you. No one can smile the way you do. You’re breath and still here for a reason. I know you’re tired but please don’t give up. You deserve to have a good things in this life. You deserve the nicest and most caring people to walk into your life. You deserve it all. I promise, you can do it.

OHH HEY.. you are really sweet.. thank you so much for saying kind words like that, i feel honored to get this. ISTG, you made my day! sender, please take care of yourself and always be happy & if you want talk to me, feel free to knock my DM yaa?

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