Parisa Moon · 19 answers · 7mo

What is the weirdest hobby you’ve tried?

What is the strangest, weirdest hobby I have ever tried? During my time in Junior High School, I used to collect sticky notes with different colours and shapes. I am not sure of their purpose now, as they ended up accumulating unused by me. Interestingly, at that time, I was fully aware of my collection and made a promise to myself to never finish it. I simply enjoyed admiring these vibrant bookmarks, which fueled my passion for studying. In the past, I would visit the stationery store at least twice a week after school to see if they had any new types of sticky notes available. If they did, I would purchase them and add them to my collection. Looking back, it was quite enjoyable I can tell, but it ultimately proved to be a waste of money as well. I had no intention of sharing them with anyone though; my only desire was to keep them for myself.

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