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anon · 12mo

I laugh a little at all of the responses to your fic because tbh I’m one of them where I’m frustrated with like everyone in the fic too 😂 but not in a bad way! I’m invested and enjoying myself

I think for ftw it’s a lot more prevalent because (to me) lix has felt….so alone the whole time that it’s hard to not get defensive over him when someone (accidentally, but still) causes him to get the brunt of the blame for something….most of my beef with your characters is that I get frustrated w them but then I also UNDERSTAND on some level and isn’t that just, annoying (lighthearted, positive) 😂 like I just want to be mad at them lol

honestly that's so fair I totally understand being frustrated with literally ALL of the characters i don't understand HATING them for one thing they've done yk? i feel like people don't want fanfic characters to be dynamic, which is so boring imo when everyone is so perfect and GOOD. But don't worry, we're gonna hopefully all be.... if not happy then satisfied by the end of this :)

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