Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon · 12mo

WAAHH I can't believe FTW is almost over! I cannot put into words how much I love it like I have literally stayed up till 3AM for chapters (multiple times!) cause I love it so much, and I have never done that with a fic before

What is your normal writing process out of interest (Like if you draft it then edit, or if you draft then rewrite, or just go in one go, and also like any thing you do or get while writing like getting a snack)

Anyway i hope you have a great day!!

oof me talking about my writing process has caused some drama in the past lol BUUUT I don't plan anything - I usually go in with a vague idea (wolf king chn/faerie flx, cheerleader jsvng, based on xxx show or book, etc) and then I literally just wing it. I stg I get possessed by some sort of writing demon and just clicky clack and have a chapter. I usually reread it over and then post it pretty much immediately - I hardly edit and I almost never have a beta reader (I had my first ever BR for FTW actually!! and she was amazing and is one of my close friends now). This is just personally how I work and how my brain works and it's what's let me write ya know a 70k fic in a week and a 150k fic in a month lol

and when I write i always drink a doctor pepper cause i'm addicted to them frfr, my dog is usually cuddled up next to me, and I either watch 4nimcal cr0ssing str3ams or listen to music :)

but tysm for reading and sacrificing your sleep time omg aslkdjaskljd

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