Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

an enjoyer of boys · 1y

i need you to elaborate on the idea of ricky being his own type because that’s a whole fascinating topic right there

oh, Gladly. it's less that he's his type, and more that he's accidentally set a standard with his own image that's nigh impossible for anyone else to reach. I'm talking aro autosexual Ricky here... I mean, have you seen the way he looks at himself? the way he watches his face through the screen on lives and adjusts his expressions to serve harder, that is for his own personal satisfaction. and I'm sure they're exaggerating but his members really harp on how much time he spends in front of the mirror. I mean, he's meticulously crafted his image to suit his tastes, why shouldn't he stare? how could he do anything BUT stare?

for reference..

there's a certain type of person whose goal aesthetic is that of what they're most attracted to. I briefly went through a bimbo phase due to this phenomenon, and while I'm not saying Ricky is a bimbo I am saying that this experience is what I see in him. he thinks he's hot because he's purposefully made himself that way. he would kiss himself with tongue with the same pride an artist frames a painting.

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