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an enjoyer of boys · 10mo

I've noticed that when gunwook gets teased or tickle he never gets mad or protests even if he's sensitive he tries to endure it and laughs it off because he's such a good puppy and doesn't want to bother anyone he just wants love and attention

I'm sorry this took me so long to answer, my brain leaks out of my ears when I think about him being tickled. like ok, because obviously he had to stay still to win the challenge (and we know how much he loves to be the best at things) when he was tickled on stage, but when he was attacked while shooting for skoolooks he could've just walked away... but he's a good puppy, he likes getting scritches, he lives to be adored. tickling is the perfect balance of pain & pleasure, it's an overwhelming violation of boundaries that leaves you completely vulnerable to another person's mercy, yet that person uses that power only to see you laugh. that level of intense adoration must be Gunwook's wet dream tbh.

fools, fallen right into his trap. my ouppy, goodpuppy..... he is loved, and if he endures well, they'll tickle him even more to try to get him to crack. they have no idea (his tail is wagging) that this is precisely what he wants (he's panting and drooling everywhere)

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