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nonnie ΛšΚšβ™‘ΙžΛš Β· 2mo

what are some things in 4tz fanfiction that make you detach from the story?

detach from the story like dnf'd? assuming thats the question i have a small list

-nicknames in narration (unless the POV character doesn't know the other character's name, like shortening hj to 'jccng' and sh to 'hwc' outside of dialogue)
-mischaracterization (unless its essential to the story!) and draining characters of their personality and reducing them to just 'hole' if its a pwp
-first person pov
-spacing in the formatting (sometimes when there's no extra space between paragraphs it gets hard to read)
-ANY time ys is made out to be the villain, extra, etc bc that boy is an angel and deserves the world

theres probably more but these are all i could think of

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