𓍯𓂃 𝔉𝔬𝔤 ♱ ₊ 🪽 𐙚 ͜ᬊ · 8 answers · 3d

i hate some rentry servers, im talking about a specific one but the amount of mods that abuse their power is crazy. and i wish there were other servers i can join. 💀 ntm, the racism in there, yet them caring more about a symbol.?

my mom’s strict abt my discord ( as in, no friends without permission & i have to know them irl, and i can’t join any servers that aren’t my friend’s ) so i can’t join rentrycord and i think thats for the best

BROOSJSJ ur so right them caring over a "closed" symbol more than making racist jokes is so hypocritical of them

also if you want a rentry server me and miya (@gui on rspring) own monodrama !! its quite dead atm but we'd love to revive it ^-^ heres the inv link if ur interested: https://discord.gg/mjSdavKU

i literally refuse to join rentry servs. always sooo weird it feels like the staff do an ego circlejerk

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