anon · 10mo

Eating an edible in your honor and my mind says Shinobu is Keitos new cock sleeve. My eyes have been opened and I want to see them fuck more

PLS ENJOY IT FOR ME SINCE I CANT 🥲 also yes shinobu is def keitos cock sleeve i like thinking that keitos been hiding his inner pervert and once he started being w shinobu he let it all out. Shinobu being shinobu indulges keito in anything he wants with no judgment like if keito asks him to wear a bikini he will wear a bikini. The fact shinobu never aks why or judges him just enables keito even more and he makes shinobu make all his hentai fantasies real. He probably started rlly vanilla like just made him wear a skirt when they fuck and now he has shinobu using his tentacle dildos collection while he records him w no shame lol

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