shinobu cum guy
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anon · 2mo

wait i’m anon that just asked ‘what server do u play on’ i mean for honkai:sr btw sorry my bad.

anon · 3mo

your favourite Landaucest hc

Danbo || CEO of IttoBene · 3mo

Opinions on Makoto Yuuki

I LOVE YUUKUN!!!! chubby yuukun my reason to exist ugh my beautiful princess 🥺 im a big izmk fan (even better if its pseudo incest) but i also like him with trickstar, jun or shinobu!! I have so many yuukun ideas im actually blanking out on what specifically to say i like him just the way he is, shota (his shota card altered my brain chemistry and also femstars if thats ur thing too idk what do u like about him danbo

anon · 3mo

Tus dibujos son bkn, a pesar que somos mutuals me gustaría interactuar más contigo

WAAA PAPU GRACIAS😭💕 deberiamos interactuar mas la vrd q soy medio inepto social pero mis dms siempre estan abiertos🥹

anon · 3mo

looks around . do u like avntio (or rtrine)

been neglecting the main quest to try and milk every geppie content i can find but friend told me they have a very sexy scene so im rlly hype to reach it… will have more thoughts once i play it 🥴

Dan :3 · 3mo

OLA PAPU TE AMOOOOOIOOOOOOOOOOO :3 no se le pedirte t sugiero MMM..un digo joongi pq ese es Pal art trade muak

TMB TE AMO PAPU gracias x el kiwami stream extrañaba a mi bella princesa espero haberle hecho justicia 🥺

Danbo || CEO of IttoBene · 3mo

Do you plan to drawn more Mashle fanart? like... um.... Finn 🥺🥺🥺

anon · 4mo

Seeing you having interest on mashle and liking orter UGHH YOU HAVE HIGH TASTE FR

idk what it is bout meganes that always make me bust in my pants but im glad u like him too anon since i will b drawing him a lot hope u enjoy orter hole 👍

anon · 6mo

I saw you at con and I didn't even realize it was you until I got home... oh my god.... I feel like I've seen a celebrity in the wild LMAOOO

LMFAO cum guy in the wild 🥴 if u come today and see a sonic cosplayer w a sonic backpack its meee i still have shinobh stickers come say hi!

anon · 7mo

crawls out of darkest pit of hell j have no idea what the fuck Yakuza is about but i lowkey wnana get into it because of you shinobu sperm man - jnnz guy

AH JNNZ ANON I REMEMBER YOU HONESTLY AN HONOR YOU WOULD EVEN FOLLOW ME TO YAKOOZIE 🥺🥺🥺 ykz its just a soap opera made into a vid game if u like drama and old man yaoi i would recommend getting into it (start with yakuza 0 or yakuza 7 if turned based combat/rpgs are more ur things since anything before that its brawl combat) but wow ily jnnz ty for support whatever brainrot i have ur a true homie 🫶

anon · 9mo

i feel you so bad with the latest development between yuta and shinobu... i expected it and i knew things hadn't gotten better yet, and i still felt complete and utter dread watching shinobu be guilt tripped, manipulated, and controlled

anon · 9mo

Mr cum guy sir. my bad if im misremembering or whatever but are you a shimadacest enjoyer,,?

YESSSS I LOVE GENZO!!!! please talk to me about em they are my fav ow pairing i just think genji should fuck his anija w his robodick 🥹

anon · 10mo

fluffy oneeshota mayoshino. Ineed ur opinion on this or a sketch if u want.

anon · 10mo

Eating an edible in your honor and my mind says Shinobu is Keitos new cock sleeve. My eyes have been opened and I want to see them fuck more

PLS ENJOY IT FOR ME SINCE I CANT 🥲 also yes shinobu is def keitos cock sleeve i like thinking that keitos been hiding his inner pervert and once he started being w shinobu he let it all out. Shinobu being shinobu indulges keito in anything he wants with no judgment like if keito asks him to wear a bikini he will wear a bikini. The fact shinobu never aks why or judges him just enables keito even more and he makes shinobu make all his hentai fantasies real. He probably started rlly vanilla like just made him wear a skirt when they fuck and now he has shinobu using his tentacle dildos collection while he records him w no shame lol

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