anon · 9mo

i feel you so bad with the latest development between yuta and shinobu... i expected it and i knew things hadn't gotten better yet, and i still felt complete and utter dread watching shinobu be guilt tripped, manipulated, and controlled

I WAS SO DEVASTATED THIS MORNING I FEEL U! Tho the story isnt fully out yet so i hope that shinobu at least gets to play an active part later on instead of just being there to be yuutas punching bag. Like at least here theres a chance for shinobu to get some actual character development unlike every other shinobu es!! story where they all get written in a way that doesnt allow him to solve the problem he’s facing (cough shinobu center story cough). Still makes me sad to see shinobu struggle so much with his relationship with yuuta considering yuuta was shinobus first friend. You gotta remember he never had any friends before yumenosaki and it was yuuta (and mao) that helped him become who he is now like before yuuta my dude couldnt even answer the phone without having a panick attack. Sigh idk i just wish for once for things to go well for shinobu like before he was just getting pushed to the side, just being Villager C, and now hes getting pushed around being yuutas errand boy like man shinobuPs just cant never win 🥹 pls akira give him some character development is all i ask orz

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