anon · 3mo

your favourite Landaucest hc

not necessarily a fav but ive been thinking a lot of landaucest somno lately like specifically when they were younger. Imagine a young horny Serval masturbating in her room while having thoughts about her baby bro but she is frustrated because her fingers are not enough and she thinks for a second about how geppie is sleeping profoundly in the room next door just waiting for her… She then feels a pang of guilt because that is her younger brother and she shouldn’t be having these thoughts as Serval is supposed to be protecting Gepard, not taking advantage of him. But then she thought about how pissed their dad would be if he ever found out and that is motivation enough to actually get her out of bed and into Gepard’s room. Serval made her way over to the foot of Gepard’s bed, and slowly pulled the covers down. When Gepard didn’t even flinch Serval lets out a breath she didn’t know she was holding and lets herself admire her brother’s sleeping form. She was already so wet from the fingering but seeing Geppie looking so innocent and pretty got her feeling even more horny. Serval grabs the waistband of Gepards pajama pants and boxers and slowly brings them to just below his knees. She then wraps her hand around his shaft, gently pumping up and down. Serval wants nothing more than to pump her hand faster, eager to finally have Geppie’s cock inside of her, filling her up and taking away the emptiness but she will not risk waking him up. She briefly wonders about how Geppie’s cock would taste in her mouth but saves that thought for another time. Once Gepard is hard enough Serval straddles his hips and guides his erection towards her cunt. Once she is fully seated, Gepard’s cock fully inside her, she bites down on her lower lip, eyes fluttering close from the sensation of being full, her baby brother’s cock hitting her in all the right places. Serval took a moment to adjust before bracing her knees against the mattress, lifting herself up before sliding back down. She puts her hands on Gepard’s chest, trying not to put too much weight on them, as she starts rocking back. With the thrill of it all Serval was already close but she wanted Gepard to cum with her so she gets close to his face and starts whispering to his ear about what a perfect younger brother he is. How even if she is the one protecting him now, she knows he will always be there for her. Gepards cock twitched inside of her and he started whimpering and mumbling what she could only assume was her name in his sleepy state. That was all it took for Serval, eyes rolling back as her orgasm took her. Her whole body shaking as she slammed down on Gepards erection one last time. The tightness making Gepard reach his end too and spill inside her sister without knowing any better. One Serval finally catches her break she pulls out and begins the clean up. Leaving her dear Geppie exactly how she found him, as if nothing had happened.

Sorry that was so long i got possessed also I debate whether i want Geppie to be a heavy sleeper and sleep through it all or wake up halfway through and fuck serval how she wants but i think it would be cute if he didnt fully woke up and just thought he was having an erotic dream and then the next few days started feeling super guilty because he is having sex dreams about his big sis not knowing his sister is literally using him as a dildo lol imagine a young geppie getting hard just at the sight of his sister having to immediately excuse himself to the bathroom to go jack off and then getting hit w that post nut clarity feeling extremely embarrassed lmao its ok eventually serval confesses and they have sex everynight <3

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