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some little thang · 6mo

sometimes I wanna talk about toxic style but there's always randos that go "um you're just putting kyman tropes onto style 🙄" like no bitch! the toxicity of style is completely different from the type of toxicity kyman would have!

this is so real. but look. do you know how hard it is to get people talk about truly toxic anything? toxic yaoi this toxic yuri that... but all they really want is copious hand holding, maybe some uncomplicated sex, and then occasionally have a little argument that they always apologize for.

I do feel for you though because I feel style was bit by the wholesome vampire many years ago and has never recovered. at most maybe some codependency. which, imo, Stan's the dependent one. he's burdensome. Kyle's withholding and not often empathetic to his bestie's many plights. where's that toxicity?

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