Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

ivy · 7 answers · 1y

Kalian tipe yang seneng atau gak seneng sama hari ulang tahun kalian dan kenapa? Ohiya, udah kepikiran belom mau ngasih apa ke diri kalian sendiri di hari ulang tahun kalian? :3

hmmm i think i do enjoy my birthday! although really... it lowkey feels like a regular day but i'm always very grateful for all the wishes.. receiving them is the probably one of the greatest feelings out there. they make my day and keep me going. it's just nice to know that someone cares about me, my existence and the day i came to this world :') kemarin aku gak ngasih apa-apa ke diri sendiri soalnya LAGI BOKEK damn..... eh tapi dibeliin brownies deng kemarin :D

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