Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

the f00fy one · 20 answers · 10mo

Those of you who use Linux: What was your first Linux distribution, and what was your experience like?

Those of you who don't use Linux: What is your impression of Linux, based on the information you currently have? Would you ever consider using Linux as the operating system on your main PC?

Those who don't know what I'm talking about: What is the primary device you use to access the Internet?

The year was 1999, I was using Linux Mandrake 6.5, which I bought in a physical box containing CD-ROMs and a floppy disk and an actual printed user manual.

I remember being frustrated about getting the sound card working, but I had fun because I loved exploring new systems and figuring things out and I was just completely enamored with the idea of open source and free software at the time.

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