Irie’s visitor · 22d

I'm someone who stumbled upon you on different occasions, not one of your mutuals, simply a stranger who admires you. I do see something special about you but that's something for me to keep. Maybe someday I may be able to let you in on it. You can call me however you address me with, a nickname or something. One fact about me is I'm not using an idol as my face-claim but a rare one.

Oh—I can’t believe I appeared on others’ timelines or ads, considering I rarely mingle with my friends publicly these days. Anyway, thank you for saying that, though I don’t know what’s special about me, haha. Your words made my night. Please, take your time. Be my friend when you’re ready, whether you’re a well-known idol or not, I don’t mind. As for a nickname, I’m truly bad at giving nicknames, especially to someone I’m not close with, sorry. If you have any ideas, let me know.

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