Irie · 4 answers · 2mo

How do you define love, and has your definition evolved over time?

Yes, it changes from time to time. I've experienced a lot of good and bad, sweet and bitter, happy and hard, the point is that love is like a rollercoaster ride. It's exciting, fun, but stressful and thrilling too.

There's not a proper description of me describing love. It depens on a situation and how you handle it.

I used to think love was only for couples, for a man and a woman in love. But as I've grown older, I've learnt that love isn't confined to romantic relationships. Love exists in everyone, no matter their age. Love is pure and unconditional. It makes you smile, makes you do silly things, makes you brave, makes you extraordinary. It gives you strength you never knew existed inside you. Love is that powerful, and when united, it becomes the greatest force in the world.

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