Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

slickfester · 2mo

It feels like you should have just made this a mnsng fest bc it’s really unfair to fans of other ships to get their hopes up for a fest that is like 95% mnsng. I get that it’s a popular ship but you have to understand that it’s a little ridiculous how little variety there is. The fest feels like it’s less about omegaverse and more about mnsng. I do not intend for this to come across as hateful by any means, I simply wanted to say I’m a little disappointed with the lack of variety. Still, thank you for all your hard work in running the fest.

answering this publicly only because we’ve gotten this a few times now and we want to clear it up. for starters, “making this a minsung fest” would imply we only wanted minsung fics to come out of this event which is not the case at all, we wanted it to be open from the very beginning and did everything we could to make it even (lifting the prompt cap, daily updates of which ships still didn’t have any prompts).

from there it’s up to the authors to write from the 700(!!!) prompts that people submitted, with under 200 of those being for minsung, leaving at LEAST 500 prompts for other ships and the option to self prompt on top of that. this was not a minsung fest, it was never intended to be a minsung fest, and the fact that more minsung was posted simply means that more authors who ended up submitting a fic chose to write minsung (which is not the fault of the authors either). what people choose to write completely out of the mods hands and we can only do so much to give equal opportunity to every pairing. this was also only our first year, hopefully in the future as slickfest reaches more people, authors who write other pairings will join and add to the variety. if you want more of a certain pairing/subgender/trope/whatever, please write it!! we encourage it!!! we want everyone to participate!

if anyone has any input on how we can improve this in the future please do let us know! because so far the only feedback we’ve gotten is to change slickfest to a minsung only fest or force people to write other pairings, which we’re not going to do for obvious reasons.

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