Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon love <3 · 19d

one of my favorite chnlx lore deepcuts is from 221113 when first chn went on livestream where he calls flx a ‘nice little sunshine yeah?’ and then shortly after flx goes on 🫧 “randomly” (suspiciously) comes on to say ‘if im your sunshine then youre my moonlight’. not only that but he said some other sappy things that seemed very targeted plus he even did a voicenote of it.
the sun/moon agenda has always been ours and they both know it. love That haha

every day i find out new lore that just devastates me even more as a chnlxr 😭 like what the fuck why are they soooo sun and moon coded AND WHY DO THEY FEED INTO IT AND MAKE ME EVEN MORE INSANE 😭😭😭😭

and the voice note hello???????? WHAT?????

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