Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more
Do you really think that's all they'll give us for the twins' birthday? I mean, it's supposed to be that a new birthday theme begins with them.
It appears that the birthday commemorative posts for the upcoming year is going to be cheki polaroids, yes, and the cycle always begins with cozmez for logistics reasons*.
The fact that they are specifically cheki plays into the "characters as in-universe performers" thing that they're going for a lot harder with BoU, what with the characters doing photoshoots for album covers etc.
(And, idk, man, people were mad that they did mini-dramas last year instead of getting new art, so, www, you can't win em all.)
(*They had the first birthday in December 2019, after Paralive was first announced in November 2019, and so they're first up in the birthday rotation; any birthdays between the anniversary and December 24th were later additions, and so didn't get put into the rotation until a year had passed.)
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