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Meeya · 15 answers · 8mo

Howdy, sobatRetro??? I'm kinda curious: How do you think your past self would react to the person you are now?

She seems happy I guess? Since my past life... Ugh, I can’t tell is it good or nah, but I wouldn’t recommend it.

Haaai, eyyaa. Hum mungkin dia ngerasa kayak, wah kamu cukup banyak berubah ya buat dirimu sendiri

She would probably get shocked since my past self was a homophobic and how I am an author for homo's fanfic t_____t

if the me today and my past self meet. i think she would really be disappointed and curse me a lot. but i try not to live with regret since the past is already written and can't be changed.

oh dear, you've tried so hard (50%) all this time! improve again, again, and again!! and never feel like you have enough cause there's a lot of science in this universe. you can improve your quality from there. GOOD LUCK!

Diketawain, dikencingin kepalanya, diteriakin "KOCAKKKK" kayanya. Because my past way better than myself now. Kaya dulu tuh tau harus kemana-kemananya, sekarang tuh stuck disini aja. Hufttt.

My past self would be so proud of where i am now, proud of all the growth and progress that i've made, also deeply blessed to be surrounded by lovely and caring people who always have my back, who take care of me and who cheer me up all the time.

My past self must be crying seeing myself now and thinking about kms in young age rather than stay alive.

The past myself was the worst, and I'm getting better right, so I'm quite proud of it.

Mungkin bakal sedikit bangga melihat gua yang sekarang. Walaupun cita-citanya yang pengen jadi arsitek itu engga tercapai, setidaknya gua masih bisa bertahan hidup sampai detik ini.

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