Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Issabel · 4 answers · 10mo

How do you feel lately? Whatever it is, I hope you're okay there.

thank you, issabel. akhir-akhir ini rasanya sering sakit. maag sering kambuh waktu habis buka puasa. tapi aman kok.

I feel so weak lately ... Batuk-batuk sampai muntah, setiap batuk serasa nyawaku ikut keluar. 🫠 But now I AM BACK. Aku berhasil melawan penyakit dengan segala jurus yang aku kuasai. 🥷🏼 How about you, Issa? Semoga kamu diberikan kesehatan selalu ya. Love. 🩷🩷🩷

thank you! 🥺 i've been holding up pretty well but i think my focus is slipping away more easily than before. it could be due to my ongoing illness.. but i'm trying not to let it get to me! in fact, i'm using it as fuel to become even stronger. i hope you're surrounded by rainbows and always finding joy in the little things as well!

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