
Chaud Foutoir

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Mejor Amigo · 1mo

orang kaya kamu deserve someone better, north. dont waste your time.

Mejor Amigo · 2mo

Hi North! Thankyou for keep trying and surviving.

Hi there! It's wonderful to hear from you. Thank you for your kind words. (nangis) I really need this sentence to motivate me for the coming days because, to be honest, I haven't been feeling the same enthusiasm lately. It seems really hard to live my life. Once again thank you, sender..

Shas · 7 answers · 3mo

hiiii coming here to give you a song to listen to!! today’s song recommendation from Leticia: Dept ft. Rangga Jones - All I Need!! 👯

Hey Cc! Thank you so much for dropping by with a song recommendation. I always appreciate discovering new music, especially when it comes from someone as awesome as you. I’ll definitely give All I Need by Dept ft. Rangga Jones a listen. It sounds like it could be a vibe. Music has this incredible way of connecting people and creating memorable moments, so I’m excited to see what this song has in store. Thanks again for sharing, Cc. You rock!

lace · 6 answers · 3mo

Life’s been a little bored lately. But, what’s your go-to-activities for enhancing the new sparks of life? :] I currently need any!!

When life feels dull, it’s a great time to try new things. Here are some ideas:

1. Exploring Nature

2. Creative Pursuits

3. Physical Activities

4. Exploring Culture

5. Learning Something New

6. Connecting with Others

Sometimes the simplest activities can bring the most joy.

Mejor Amigo · 3mo

Pacarmu kemana, kok gak pernah kelihatan? Kamu kaya lagi jatuh cinta sendirian deh, even on the mensive post aja dia kayanya gak cepet-cepet buat reply

hanliam · 3mo

North, weekend gini ngapain?

Karena kemarin udah ngabisin waktu buat keluar rumah jadi hariini mau dirumah aja sih, leha-leha. Niatnya sore nanti mau lari, kalau nggak hujan tapi..

Mejor Amigo · 3mo

Hi, North! I find you’re attractive. Do you set your eyes to someone?

Hey there! Thanks for the compliment! As for setting my eyes on someone, well, I'm always set my eyes on my boyfriend only, Kairo Iverson.

Mejor Amigo · 5mo

Oit bff. Gw kangen dah..

(Oknum J abang lu yang keren itu)
Mejor Amigo · 6mo

stop sedihin diri sendiri gitu bisa? hidup lu tuh emang udah penuh kesedihan, gak usah sok sedihin diri sendiri gitu

This dummy is back again? Wkwk. Kebalik kali? Hidupmu yang penuh sama kesedihan itu mah, nih buktinya. Kurang kerjaan ngisi beginian di retro orang segala pale anonymous pula. I wish you happiness deh ya sender, biar nggak iri dengki liat orang.

Mejor Amigo · 6mo

kasian bokapnya udah gak ada oops

lace · 6mo

MAU JUGA lowie di mata kk nero gimana :3

Lowi si kembaran Macie. Alias sama sama kaya anak kecil yang harus diiming-imingi, kamu sama Macie udah kaya Upin dan Ipin, yang paling waras daripada yang lain (dikit). Lowi itu harus diprotect, sama harus disayang sayang, anak kesyil.

Mejor Amigo · 6mo

Kirain mah cowo ternyata bukan

Mejor Amigo · 6mo

jangan sok asik gitu deh jadi orang

Maaf ya, sender. Tapi gue akan lebih what so called sok asik lagi 🤪 BERCANDA WKWKWKWK.Makasih anyway sudah diingetin

Hunter Archibald. · 4 answers · 6mo

Top 3 movies/series this week

Lagi nggak nonton movies ataupun series this week :( Saranin boleh dong movies atau series yang harus ditonton

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