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Anonymous Coward · 1mo

it’s incredible that people can just make up a villain in their heads and then run with it. the anon here clearly doesn’t know you, but they’ve decided that they do and that’s all it takes for them to want to make you feel awful about yourself. I wonder if they felt a little bit of satisfaction, hiding behind their computer screen, too afraid to say it to you directly. it was frankly embarrassing to read what they said. I physically cringed.

their opinion has no value, so please don’t take it seriously.

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

It's unsettling not because you shouldn't let go but because you of all people should stop sucking others support, money, friendship just to feel better about yourself and do nothing in return. Pretending like you're cute and innocent when you're actually mean spirited is funny. That's the true colors you feign not knowing. Some people can see it and already saved themselves and some are looking at you repeating the cycle you've been doing for years. Have a good life with your minions.

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Previous anon sounds like they're 5. You can't be friends with everyone and it's not some morally reprehensible thing to not be friends with everyone, very weird behavior from them to act as if it is when this is just part of life. Learn to let go anon, some things are not meant to last and not all people in your life will be there to stay forever, clinging to everybody as if you're tied at the hip the moment you meet will only make everyone miserable.

thank you, anon and i totally agree with this. also letting people go doesn't mean that the good times with them aren't cherished. they are but the bad sometimes overshadows the good and at that point, the best thing to do is to let go. i think it's quite mean to expect someone to hold onto something that makes them sad. that makes fills them with anger. so letting go is good, it's the best thing to do so such negative emotions don't fester and i suggest that anon does the same.

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

It's unsettling how fast you move on from people. It's like they never even mattered to you to begin with, you were just passing time. One day everyone will know your true colors.

I don't even know what to say in regards to this message. Other than that it's false. I don't know where or who this message came from but it's obvious to see that you don't know me as a person.

I don't have to explain myself to you, it really isn't worth the energy. I'm tired of all this but please tell me what my true colours are because I'd be interested to know what they are.

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Omfg,, I love fem cwn with big mommy milkers… She’d be so insecure about it though 😭

right??? fem cwn with big mommy milkers is so good, it drives me i n s a n e 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 her being super insecure about them also makes me 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 because she'd try to hide them under loose sweaters and baggy shirts. but i also love fem cwn who's unaware of her big tits so she's just walking around with ill-fitted button downs and bras that aren't the right size.

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

are you currently watching or reading anything? i need new recs 😭


hi kiki! this is so late but i don't really have any recs. 😭 is it recs like any form of genre or anything specific?

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Trans mo ran my beloved

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

y’all defending the indefensible jiang cheng will always be weird when he’s not just morally grey, he’s canonically a bad person, even the author herself insists how unlikable he is lmao

i don't know why you sent me this but i disagree. and i've read the thread and eh, it's still hard for me to see jiang cheng as a "bad person" because there's a lot more to it, in my opinion. and i'm saying this as a person who doesn't stan jiang cheng, that's just my take.

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

The thread u wrote abt cwn getting a little chubby post-canon is so sweet 🥺 I can just imagine mr constantly resisting the urge to bite the pudge on his tummy

aww thank you so much, dear anon 🥺 i firmly believe that cwn would definitely get at least a little chubby because mo ran is feeding and looking after him so well. plus with stress no longer a huge part of his life, he can relax and enjoy life. 🥺 also mo ran biting the pudge on his tummy...that's so cute 😭 and cwn yelping and pushing mr, all flushed and embarrassed but he's smiling a little

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

favorite trope with ranwan?

i don't think i have a favourite trope for them because all tropes for ranwan are good tropes, i cannot lie

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

NEVER BACK DOWN NEVER WHAT!??!!??! 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🎤

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

Why did you delete your Twitter account?

because i just don't want it to exist sometimes. 😄 i take advantage of twitter's 30 day rule as i can get rid of my account for a few days or weeks and reclaim it back without actually losing it.

sometimes i just want a break from my account and the idea that it's still around does stress me out at some moments. so shutting it down helps!

if i were to actually delete my account for good, i'd definitely make a post about it to say goodbye properly. ^-^

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

Do you use Anilist or My Anime List?

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