Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

i just read the thread about the racism you experienced at work and i'm so sorry this happened to you... i feel like this type of experience is worse than straight up hate bc of how people see u like an object of entertainment and if u take offense, they try to make u the bad guy. On a different note, i started following u only recently, i didn't know u were black and (hope it's not insensitive) but as a black girl im so happy to find one of us in this kind of fandom, writing amazing ranwan ffs !

it's okay! i mean, i know it's not okay but it's something that doesn't dwell with me. while i did find it incredibly offensive, i found it funny how an old white woman could be so ignorant. but then again, i also wasn't surprised. and i do agree that i would have preferred if someone just did straight up hate as opposed to seeing who i am as some kind of caricature??? it's very, very strange. but thank you so much! i don't really mention my race and that mainly stems from discourse i've had in the past. but i do bring it up when it's important and when i want to talk about a life experience.

it's really awesome to see other black people in the fandom space! especially in danmei! so thank you for following and i hope you view my space as safe!

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