Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Previous anon sounds like they're 5. You can't be friends with everyone and it's not some morally reprehensible thing to not be friends with everyone, very weird behavior from them to act as if it is when this is just part of life. Learn to let go anon, some things are not meant to last and not all people in your life will be there to stay forever, clinging to everybody as if you're tied at the hip the moment you meet will only make everyone miserable.

thank you, anon and i totally agree with this. also letting people go doesn't mean that the good times with them aren't cherished. they are but the bad sometimes overshadows the good and at that point, the best thing to do is to let go. i think it's quite mean to expect someone to hold onto something that makes them sad. that makes fills them with anger. so letting go is good, it's the best thing to do so such negative emotions don't fester and i suggest that anon does the same.

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