Anonymous Coward · 1mo

It's unsettling not because you shouldn't let go but because you of all people should stop sucking others support, money, friendship just to feel better about yourself and do nothing in return. Pretending like you're cute and innocent when you're actually mean spirited is funny. That's the true colors you feign not knowing. Some people can see it and already saved themselves and some are looking at you repeating the cycle you've been doing for years. Have a good life with your minions.

i really feel like you truly don't understand me as a person. and these are pretty bold claims to be making when i feel like if you did know me, you'd know all that you said isn't true. and i'm not saying this as a way to defend myself but as someone who genuinely tries to not act in the way you claim. i worry each time i ask for support because i fear people like you will make me feel horrible for it. i despise asking for support, it actually makes me feel sick because i know that i should be doing shit by myself. but life is fucking hard and i run out of options so what am i supposed to do? i try so hard not to reach out, i really do. also me acting cute and innocent is such a fucking joke because that couldn't be further from the truth. i cherish and love my friends, i appreciate every single person who's decided to give me the time of day and help me. i try my hardest to do my best even if it's not the best by your standards. if people think of me in the way you say, that's utterly fine. there's nothing i can do to change their opinions, that's not a worthy battle. but hopefully, this made you feel oh so good about yourself, a perfect being who's never once suffered or had hard times. hiding behind an anon title must be so great for you. 🙂

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