Anonymous Coward · 1mo

it’s incredible that people can just make up a villain in their heads and then run with it. the anon here clearly doesn’t know you, but they’ve decided that they do and that’s all it takes for them to want to make you feel awful about yourself. I wonder if they felt a little bit of satisfaction, hiding behind their computer screen, too afraid to say it to you directly. it was frankly embarrassing to read what they said. I physically cringed.

their opinion has no value, so please don’t take it seriously.

honestly, i'd respect them if they said what they said to me without using the anon cover. because it's so easy to be hateful when you're hiding behind a screen as there are no consequences. they can be an asshole in peace and go off feeling proud about themselves being a horrible person. no one really knows anyone online, so it's hilarious how they claim to know me as a person when they, quite frankly, don't. and to be brave enough to wander on here and say all of what they said is kind of crazy.

i'm not perfect, nobody is, but to label me as something that i'm not because they hate me is wild.

thank you, anon and you're right; their opinion has no value.

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