Sonia · 4 answers · 1y

Hari minggu ngapain aja kamu?

pas minggu kemarin cuma me time aja sih. i bought a praline macchiato punya Fore coffee, makan onigiri ayam tuna mayo nya alfa, beli donat juga. terus sorenya baca buku (tapi ga dilanjutin sampe sekarang #readingslump #malas)

I'm glad you asked? I had nine hours of consecutive practices for a choreography of two, one with a twenty minute interval break, had about two meetings to attend to, and an assignment due the following night. I guess that's probably why my Sunday felt a little sour. Felt a little, too much, I must say. But I've done well, I've managed to pull through.

Hari ini aku baca novel, nonton drama, sama nge-game hehehe. Kamu ngapain aja hari ini, Echa?

Hari ini ngga ngapa-ngapain selain tidur & gambar, soalnya aku males keluar. Agak bosen tapi aku happy! Kalau kamu ngapain ajaa?

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